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Understanding Back Pain
Back Pain : Causes, Symptoms, and Osteopathy Treatment
Back Pain and Osteopathy
Effective Osteopathy Treatment for Back Pain at Hills Osteopaths
About Back Pain
Back pain can happen to young and old alike, to those both athletic and active, as well as people who don’t move a lot and are mainly sedentary.
Back pain can be intermittent – it happens for a while, then disappears. But back pain can linger too becoming often becoming distracting, before leaving. Worse still, back pain can be persistent, where people may suffer for a longer period and even present when sleeping. This is often referred to as chronic back pain. People can feel upper, middle and low back pain.
The treatment required depends on the cause of the back pain but, if it’s due to mechanical strain, osteopathy can make a huge difference. Get in touch and we will assess whether we can help with a course of treatment.
This page will hopefully help you understand common causes of back pain and some natural ways to achieve pain relief ...
What are the Common Causes of Back Pain ?
In classical osteopathy, a whole-body approach, all the root causes of your back pain will be addressed. An osteopathic will provide manipulative treatment to address the structural root causes. This can affect swelling, anxiety, blood flow, spasm, sciatica, strength, energy, tension, severity and side effects of back pain.
At Hills Osteopaths we will also educate you on self-help strategies so you are better able to help yourself with your back pain. Through lifestyle changes, you will be better able to employ pain management, understand how to use heat therapy, provide self-support and achieve back pain relief.
From an osteopathic perspective, there are many common causes of back pain. Previous health conditions, diseases and inappropriate movements can affect mobility, disability, alignment, muscle pain and other pain.
Some examples of the potential associations and causes of back pain are listed below.
Some Common Causes of Back Pain
Most of us know about poor posture or sitting at your desk for too long, but back pain can also be triggered by dehydration and lack of fitness ...
Muscle Strain
Ligament Sprain
Structural Disc Problems
Osteopenia and Osteoporosis
Illness and Organ Dysfunction
Illness and Organ Dysfunction
Stress and Depression
Other common things to consider ...
What are the Symptoms of Back Pain?
As you can see, there are many potential causes of back pain. There are also many different symptoms people experience with back pain too. Sometimes symptoms come and go, but some may be progressive i.e., meaning they can get worse over time. What symptoms you have, what you experience, when symptoms flare and go away, and how severe the symptoms are is a uniquely subjective experience. Below are some examples of what people experience with back pain.
Intermittent Back Pain Symptoms
When someone first has back pain, symptoms can come and go. To the mind, the symptoms may seem to have no rhyme or reason. People in this stage can experience:
- A twinge or catching of a place in the back
- Dull, aching in the middle of the back or on a side
- Throbbing, hot sensation
- A sudden hot or shooting pain that runs up or down
- Stiffness that makes it difficult to move – decreases the range of motion and flexibility
- An inability to stand up straight or move, then gradually move slowly, then back to normal
Lingering Back Pain Symptoms
Lingering symptoms can happen after someone has had back pain (or symptoms above) come and go for a while. Then ‘one day’ the symptoms stay a little longer, a few days or a week or a month.
People in this stage can experience all the symptoms above, often with more intensity including :
- Difficulty falling asleep because of inability to get comfortable and continued intermittent back pain at night
- Difficulty sleeping because they feel symptoms when they move at night
- Stabbing or shooting pain radiating down the leg or arm, up or down the spine, outside of the body, down into the abdomen – comes on and goes
- Reduced ability to flex or extend the back, lift the legs or lift the arms
- Sharp or sudden pain when twisting or bending or reaching for something
Persistent Back Pain Symptoms
Persistent pain is constant unrelenting pain througout day and the night that isn’t going away. This is a category of severe back pain and often requires medical attention. Symptoms can include:
- Urinary or bowel difficulties or pain, loss of control
- Erectile, ejaculation or orgasm difficulty or pain
- Numbness, tingling or weakness in one or both limbs (legs/arms)
- Intense, constant pain that gets worse at night
- Inability to sleep because of intense constant pain at night
- Pain and throbbing sensation in the abdomen
- Pain and throbbing or piercing sensation in the ribs, difficulty breathing
- Fever and back pain
- Headache alongside the back pain
- Unexplained weight loss and back pain
If experiencing pain to this degree, you should always pursue medical attention first. Once you have a medical diagnosis and stabilised, then it is beneficial to combine osteopathy and natural treatments to decrease your recovery time, relieve pain and assist in your restoration to health.
Active Treatments To Manage Back Pain
Active treatments are things that you do yourself, e.g., exercise, changing your pain thoughts and beliefs, and learning about back pain.
Passive treatments are things that are done to you by others such as osteopathy. Have a look through these treatments and see which might suit you. If none are helping or your symptoms are worsening, do go to No 9 - and get in touch us to arrange an appointment.
1. Hydrate
2. Sleep
3. Posture
4. Move Your Body
5. Stretching, walking or a Range of Motion Exercises
6. Try Swimming
7. Hot/Cold Therapy
8. Soak in Sea Salt (Not Epsom Salt)
9. Contact Hills Osteopaths
Book an appointment
Osteopathy is suitable for assisting in the treatment of a range of sports, pain management, paediatric and occupation health related issues.
Contact us today for an informed consultation
Practice details
Hills Osteopaths is located at :
1A / 10-12 Old Castle Hill Road. Castle Hill. Sydney. NSW 2154Email : osteojulian@gmail.com
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1A / 10-12 Old Castle Hill Road. Castle Hill. NSW 2154
ABN 75 641 848 719
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