Tel : 02 9659 0515
- About Hills Osteopaths
- Osteopathy Business Services
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- About Hills Osteopaths
- Osteopathy Business Services
Tel : 02 9659 0515
- About Hills Osteopaths
- Osteopathy Business Services
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- About Hills Osteopaths
- Osteopathy Business Services
Osteopathy for Business
Osteopathy Business Services at Hills Osteopaths
Osteopathic Occupational Health
Hills Osteopaths. Osteopathy for Business Services
What are Osteopathy for Business services?
Our Osteopathy for Business services involve anything that seeks to promote and maintain the health and wellbeing of your workforce. At Hills Osteopaths we offer Osteopathy for Business under that umbrella and provide expert assessment and osteopathy treatment for those experiencing painful musculoskeletal conditions or injuries, plus other alternative healthcare treatments and services for businesses to help keep staff in working order.
We can deliver services either by attendance at our office in Old Castle Hill Road, Castle Hill, by telephone and/or remote video link - or on site by negotiation.
Why Choose Osteopathic Treatment over Occupational Therapy?
The principles of occupational therapy and osteopathy are quite different from one another:
- occupational therapy needs the healing to come from the motivated person him/herself but
- osteopathy assumes that the body is able to heal itself just after minimal interaction.
So on one hand healing can only be achieved when one works hard enough so as to be able to get healed, while the other one assumes that the person does not need much interaction so as to be able to heal itself ...
Generally speaking, at Hills Osteopaths we are more hands-on in the treatment of patients. We’ll seek to manually correct any imbalances in the musculoskeletal system ourself, where possible. Conversely, occupational and physiotherapists tend to do the opposite. Rather than correcting the issue themselves through manual medicines, it’s more common for them to prescribe an exercise regimen that the patient can use to alleviate the problems by their own efforts. This doesn’t make physiotherapy inherently worse, but it’s important to know what you’re getting for your money. One last thing to note is the fact that the hands-on approach that osteopaths take often yields faster results than the regimens prescribed by physiotherapists.
About Osteopathy for Business
Staff are a key asset for any business. We work with businesses who want to support their staff and get them treated quickly and back to work as soon as is realistic without them needing to return at a later stage again. When injuries affect your team, you rely on your employees to do what they can to keep working, or return to work if they have to take time off.
At Hills Osteopaths we will respond as quickly as we can to requests for treatment, usually seeing new patients within two working days. With the majority of acute cases treated within 6-7 treatments, your employees are able to stay at work, or get back to work quickly if they have to take time off.
How it works
- There is no need to make any ongoing commitment with us, as we deal with issues on a case by case basis. You only pay for the service that you get. This gives you the flexibility to call us whenever you need us, without any cost when your team is not receiving treatment.
- You refer your employee to us: We need their details, so we can get in touch with them to book them in, and your details, so we can keep you informed.
- We contact your employee and book them in for an initial consultation with, usually within two working days. We obtain their consent to keep you informed.
- Following their initial assessment, we update you with their treatment plan, and invoice you directly for their care.
- We treat and advise your patient, allowing them to keep working, or return to work in good health.
Osteopathy for Business. Advice & Education
The best way to tackle an issue is to prevent it occurring in the first place. For musculoskeletal issues, the frequency of issues can be reduced by educating your workforce on safe working practices, such as good lifting techniques and posture while standing and sitting.Training can also help your team understand when and how to take action to support their bodies and prevent small issues growing. Hills Osteopaths can offer you support to advise and educate your workforce, reducing the likelihood of interruptions to your business operations.There is no need to make any ongoing commitment with us, as we deal with issues on a case by case basis. You only pay for the service that you get. This gives you the flexibility to call us whenever you need us, without any cost when your team is not receiving treatment.Professor Chris Whitty (former Chief Medical Officer from Public Health England UK) :
"There is no point in life where doing more exercise does not improve health in multiple ways"
Our Osteopathy for Business services involves anything that seeks to promote and maintain the health and wellbeing of your workforce.
Read our Active Employee Toolkit for information, ideas and tips you can share with your staffHills Osteopaths. Frequently Asked Question Links
Book an appointment
Osteopathy is suitable for assisting in the treatment of a range of sports, pain management, paediatric and occupation health related issues.
Contact us today for an informed consultation
Practice details
Hills Osteopaths is located at :
1A / 10-12 Old Castle Hill Road. Castle Hill. Sydney. NSW 2154Email : osteojulian@gmail.com
Or click the button to be taken to our secure contact form
Osteopathy Guides
Osteopathy for Babies and Children
Osteopathy for New Borns - Babies (Age 0-2)
Osteopathy for Toddlers (Ages 2-6)
Osteopathy for Older Children and Teens
Effortless Exercise Hacks
1A / 10-12 Old Castle Hill Road. Castle Hill. NSW 2154
ABN 75 641 848 719
Member of:
Osteopathy Australia
Foundation for Paediatric Osteopathy
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