Tel : 02 9659 0515
- About Hills Osteopaths
- Osteopathy Business Services
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- About Hills Osteopaths
- Osteopathy Business Services
Tel : 02 9659 0515
- About Hills Osteopaths
- Osteopathy Business Services
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- About Hills Osteopaths
- Osteopathy Business Services
About Hills Osteopaths
Meet the Hills Osteopaths team
The Hills Osteopaths Team
Hills Osteopaths Administration
Your first port of call at Hills Osteopaths is our Practice Manager, Suzie, who always treats every enquiry and appointment scheduled with dilligence and confidentiality.
Hills Osteopaths Practitioners
Read about our osteopaths and complementary therapy team
Dr. Julian Howard
The Hills Osteopathic practice was established and is managed by Dr. Julian Howard.
In 1993 he experienced a life changing event. His son had a difficult birth which left him vomiting and unsettled. There appeared to be nothing that could be done for him, but then at 10 days old Julian took him to the Osteopathic Centre for Children in (Farringdon, London). Julian became fascinated by osteopathy and amazed by the range of illnesses and conditions that could be treated. Julian decided that if he ever changed career this was what he would like to do. Eventually he sold his business and went back to university to study for the BSc degree in Osteopathic Medicine. Julian graduated with First Class Honours. The wheel turned full circle, as in 2007 Julian completed a two years Masters in Paediatric Osteopathy at the Osteopathic Centre for Children, and has worked alongside some of the best osteopaths in the UK.
As a result of this, Julian has a particular interest and clinical experience in working with babies and children and pregnant and post-partum mums, as well as regular practice experience in private clinic since 2005. Following on from his successful UK practice, Julian set up Hills Osteopathic practice in Castle Hill after moving to Sydney in 2007.
Practitioner Training & Regulation
Osteopathy Training
Osteopaths are skilled practitioners.
When studying in the UK Julian undertook a 4 year degree program which was underpinned by clinical training. Such training has a substantial overlap with traditional medical training, covering anatomy, physiology, pathology, neurology, bio-mechanics and clinical methods. Training also included time spent in the dissection rooms of University College Hospital London. With such experience osteopaths are able to identify conditions where osteopathy treatment is not appropriate and refer patients to a GP for further investigation
Julian and all other registered osteopaths at Hills Osteopaths maintain ongoing CPD schedules as per quality framework expectations.Osteopathy Regulation
Dr. Julian Howard is qualified and registered as an osteopathic practitioner with Osteopathy Australia, He is also regulated by the Osteopathy Council of New South Wales under the umbrella Health Professionals Council Authority the state and territory board promotes and develops the profession of Osteopathy. Only practitioners meeting their requisite high standards of safety and competency are eligible to join this register. Proof of good health, good character and professional indemnity insurance cover is also a requirement.
Statutory regulation ensures that patients visiting an osteopath have the same safeguards as any patient visiting a doctor or dentist. All registered osteopaths must follow high standards of professional conduct and behaviour. They must also commit to undertaking continuing professional development (CPD). See Julian’s CV -CPD page.
Book an appointment
Osteopathy is suitable for assisting in the treatment of a range of sports, pain management, paediatric and occupation health related issues.
Contact us today for an informed consultation
Practice details
Hills Osteopaths is located at :
1A / 10-12 Old Castle Hill Road. Castle Hill. Sydney. NSW 2154Email : osteojulian@gmail.com
Or click the button to be taken to our secure contact form
Osteopathy Guides
Osteopathy for Babies and Children
Osteopathy for New Borns - Babies (Age 0-2)
Osteopathy for Toddlers (Ages 2-6)
Osteopathy for Older Children and Teens
Effortless Exercise Hacks
1A / 10-12 Old Castle Hill Road. Castle Hill. NSW 2154
ABN 75 641 848 719
Member of:
Osteopathy Australia
Foundation for Paediatric Osteopathy
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